Further evidence that cannabis reduces tumor growth in new study (Medical News Today)

THC, the element of marijuana that provides the drug’s ‘high,’ could also form the basis of future ‘tumor-shrinking’ pharmaceuticals, according to new research. Share With Friends: | Health – Addiction Stories, News Feeds and News via Feedzilla.

[Jul 14, 2014 5:00:00 PM, Further evidence that cannabis redu]

No evidence alcohol benefits heart, new study (Medical News Today)

A new review drawing on 50 studies covering quarter of a million people questions previously held conclusions that a drink a day is good for heart health. Share With Friends: | Health – Addiction Stories, RSS Feeds and Widgets via Feedzilla.

[Jul 11, 2014 12:00:00 PM, No evidence alcohol benefits heart,]

Where does the medical marijuana debate stand now? (Medical News Today)

This month, New York became the 23rd US state to legalize the use of medical marijuana. We examine how scientific research and policy intersect in this complex debate. Share With Friends: | Health – Addiction Stories, News Feeds and News via Feedzilla.

[Jul 24, 2014 6:00:00 PM, Where does the medical marijuana de]

New York legalizes medical marijuana – what other changes are occurring? (Medical News Today)

As New York becomes the 23rd state to allow for the medical use of marijuana, other states and cities are making changes to their marijuana legislation. Share With Friends: | Health – Addiction Stories, RSS Feeds and Widgets via Feedzilla.

[Jul 10, 2014 5:00:00 PM, New York legalizes medical marijuan]

Can fish oil protect against brain damage caused by alcohol abuse? (Medical News Today)

People who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are at risk of brain damage and dementia in later life. New research suggests that omega-3 fish oil may offer protective benefits. Share With Friends: | Health – Addiction Stories, RSS and RSS Feed via Feedzilla.

[Jul 18, 2014 5:00:00 PM, Can fish oil protect against brain ]

The Addiction Conspiracy: Unlocking Brain Chemistry and Addiction so You Don’t Have to Struggle By Lee Tannenbaum

Healing the Addicted Brain: The Revolutionary, Science-Based Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Program By Harold C. Urschel, III, MD


History Channel’s: The Brain

MIA Publications

Keeping Your Recovery At The Epicenter – Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment

Dream about where you want to be and what you want to do. Believe that you can achieve these dreams and you will. Remember where you came from so that you will always appreciate where you are and never forget where you came from. Remember sometimes things fall apart so that better things can come together. This is our stance. Making the right decisions even in difficult times, in the end you are greatly rewarded.

[Apr 8, 2013 2:00:00 AM, Keeping Your Recovery At The Epicen]

Tips for Success As You Enter Alcohol and Drug Rehab Programs

There are individuals who enter, complete, and exit alcohol and drug rehab program after program, and they might do this a number of times before truly embracing their recovery. This is not always a negative sequence and many times these individuals will gain additional knowledge and skills each time, but this does not always have to be the case. An individual can, if they find a program that works for them, gain the knowledge and skills….

[Apr 8, 2013 2:00:00 AM, Tips for Success As You Enter Alcoh]

The Problem with the 12 Steps: Co-Occurring Disorders, Egos, and Opinions

First let us note that this author is not opposed to any of the 12-step programs. In fact, this author is a huge advocate for these programs and encourages their utilization. The problem lays, not in the programs themselves, but in some the individuals who attend those meetings. Not to say any of them are bad individuals or are intentionally making difficulties for others but it can in cases occur indirectly.

[Apr 8, 2013 2:00:00 AM, The Problem with the 12 Steps: Co-O]

The Problem with Insurance Based Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers

Some of the best quality and most ethically grounded alcohol and drug rehab facilities are those that require payments on behalf of the individual or family. Unfortunately, the mindset of much of the population is that of a bifurcating fallacy where they believe that such an organization must surely be focused on the money and not at all on treatment. Which would mean that insurance based programs would in turn be the exact opposite

[Apr 8, 2013 2:00:00 AM, The Problem with Insurance Based Al]

Keeping Alcohol and Drug Detox and Treatment Confidential

One of the biggest concerns that many individuals have is the safe guarding of their personal information. In today’s society this is something that is becoming more and more concerning for many individuals. This is the case for most anyone but it is especially true for those dealing with problems they probably would like to keep to themselves.

[Apr 3, 2013 2:00:00 AM, Keeping Alcohol and Drug Detox and ]