Our programs are individualized in two ways. First, all levels of care are comprised of individualized services focused on each individual rather than a group of individuals. Secondly, clients are able to continue individualized care outside and beyond varying care levels. Combined, clients and their families receive services they need, prefer, and necessary to improve their quality of life.
Our individualized approach to treatment improves quality of life (defined below by varying aspects of our clients). The chart depicts actual data from our program that shows improvements made by clients, the varying aspects we focus on, and the significant differences in treatment length. The data show the mean improvements in each category measured with the MIA-QOLA instrument for all patients at 3 months and 6 months of treatment.
Our Individualized Programs are also Evidence Based
A patient-centered and comprehensive approach?
Patient-centred care (PCC) may strengthen the responsiveness of treatments for people with problematic substance use (Marchand, et al., 2018).
Addiction medicine physicians and addiction psychiatrists all agreed that medical treatment of addiction requires a multi-method approach (Becki, Liese, & Najavits, 2005).
Improved Status after treatment is more likely when clients have access to a range of mental health and medical services (Marsh, D’Aunno, & Smith, 2009).
Medication Assisted?
Medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder with physiological dependence at least doubles rates of opioid-abstinence outcomes in randomized, controlled trials comparing psychosocial treatment of opioid use disorder with medication versus with placebo or no medication (Smith, 2015).
Programs which offer on-site medical services utilization rates are higher (Friedman, Alexander, & D’Auuno, 1998).
Medication assisted treatment reduces the chance of overdose (Bell, Fischer, & Levitz, 2002).
Medication decreases substance use or the intensity and duration of drug effects while psychotherapy focuses on the emotional problems that contribute to drug abuse (Rounsaville & Carrol, 2003).
Why group therapy?
Group therapy addresses aspects of recovery related to physical and mental health, lifestyle choices, and family and professional issues (Daley, Mercer, & Spots, 2003).
Why does MIA offer ongoing care, no maximum treatment time, and lifetime counseling?
Increasing the length of participation in alcohol and drug treatment is associated with improved outcomes (Lash, 2009).
The longer a patient remains in treatment directly correlates to reduction in drug use and improved social function (Walker, 2009).
A longer period of treatment predicts better outcomes (McKay & Weiss, 2001).